Parking Management Services

At Park It Right we’ve developed a new proactive approach focused on changing parking behaviors. We educate and reinforce with a green to be seen compliance presence. We monitor and patrol parking areas in a highly visible fashion. When penalties are needed, we have a compliance tool set that we implement to fit your specific property requirements. We quickly call out for tows when needed; but, many times we’re able to solve problems with our patented remote release VID system or a non-confrontational conversation with a resident or guest. We aren’t there primarily just to tow vehicles and collect fees. Instead, we’re there to provide effective ongoing parking services that create a better parking experience for residents and management.
Parking Enforcement issues citations to vehicles parked illegally; such as no parking zones, fire lane violations, double parking, disabled parking, loading-zone violations, expired time zones, expired parking meters, night parking, DPW Snow Operation, etc…
Parking Services is working to provide convenience to residents and visitors by updating parking meter technology and payment options, providing affordable short-term and long-term parking in structures, lots, and streets and administer payment options to ensure vehicle owners can recover vehicles in a timely manner.
Apartments, HOA’s and Commercial Properties
You can look up pictures, GPS location, Patrol times, violations, permits, and put vehicles on hold through our online portal.
We provide multiple pictures with time, date and GPS location of any violation
We provide convenient and fast response with our remote release boot allowing violators to be on their way in minutes, not hours it takes to get an impounded vehicle back from a towing company.
Our parking permit program provides ease of management for parking permits. The resident is the one responsible for obtaining their permit through our online portal.